Friday, June 20, 2014

Logo Design..

On the hunt for a Logo design for my baby wear Kytini. Last year I had labels made that consisted of a girlie font in a pale pink. It was good enough at the time. I am although looking for something more! In the past I have tried to design it myself but have come to the realization that it it is best leave it for someone that knows exactly what they are doing as much as I love drawing, Typography and graphic design. I stumbled across 'Hellotosha' and instantly come to love her style and designs. You can see her work here, I am hoping she can help me on my journey on creating my dream logo..

Logo requirements so far..

Use for swing tags, invoicing, social media, business cards etc.
A single letter K, and the word Kytini separate or tied in
Simple but elegant
Somewhat unisex by colour possiably 
Fits to baby/kidswear
Use of typography 

Currently back to researching as design changes daily so here are some of my finds.

Love the use of script..

I am after a logo that people can capture their eye on, elegant but simple.
I have always visualized my logo to have the letter K. I have a love of birds so this could also be a possibility to explore and tie in. With baby and kids wear I have found that it is to capture the adults eye first, and relate that to a child like incense. The K I have always had in mind has been similar to the above.

I look forward to where this is going to take me.. 

xxx Kylee

Thursday, March 13, 2014

For some reason this trend that has been around for awhile now is growing on me. 
Honestly, I have never worn one in my life but have a strong urge to make them. It must be the Sheer fabrics, Allover prints and the Short dolman sleeves that are used that really catch my eye. I also love the use of trims to give them even more movement when on them walking. I haven't seen one here in Melbourne under $35 and the most expensive $4 255! 

Since I had some fabric kicking about I thought why not give the DIY Kimono a go. I'm not sure yet if I will be diving in this trend but I must say I find it very appealing on others. I am going to make some more for a market coming up. 

So here we go.. 

You'll need-
Sheer Fabric 2 metres
Sewing machine
Trim (optional)

Measure ~ 
Neck to arm (however long you like the sleeve) I made it around 20inches
Armhole- the bigger the looser 17 inches
Neck to thigh(where you want it to drape to)  30 inches

Fold you fabric in half (right sides out)

With the fold at the top, fold over the left side to right.
Draw out your measurements onto the fabric and cut (leaving the folds at top and left side)

After cutting your measurements unfold right to left, it should look like the above. 
In the middle cut a center front seam. At the neck you can cut a 4-5 inches each way from the center front, then cut a triangle to create a neckline.

With your sewing machine sew the armhole and countuine down the side seam(both sides)
Hem the rest of the raw seams by folding over a quarter  of a inch X 2 to create a clean finish.

Your done :)
Here's my first attempt.. Feel free to add trim to your bottom hem line for detail. I added a strip of fabric to the neckline for alittle more shape.

xxx Kylee

Saturday, January 25, 2014

It's been awhile since I have made a post and even logged in. Sorry.. Seeing my last post was about the race wear design I was working I thought it would be nice to show you what it ended up looking like. The client gave me a brief that only outlined it to be black.

The design consisted of a one black, a one dark Navey blue peacock feather. Along with manipulated sinamay placed onto a base clip. To give it a touch of sparkle and jazz I sewed glass gold metallic beads that had flat edge's to reflect light. To give it more height I added a spike of feather and more  black duck feathers at the base.

Hope you like it. It was fun to make!

Kylee xxx

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Fascinating stuff!, no really it is...

Horse Race time is here again. So who needs a fasinator?
My partners father has always encouraged me to sell my items I make online.  So with that said I have put some of my last years designs onto my facebook and have already had quiet a few takers! It has inspired me again so here's alittle mood board I create to keep me going!
I fear that I will be in the lovely Feather shop again soon. they have the most amazing feathers there. Specially ones that you not find in Spotlight or Lincraft. If anyone knows of any other Millery shops in Melbourne, please share :)

Kylee xxx

Saturday, September 21, 2013

High Exceptions...

 Expectations the root to all heartache. William Shakespeare.


Above is a list of things (not necessarily in order) I expect of myself and there are so much more to focus on.. It's hard to find time for all but I feel it's time I start making time. I believe I do put others before myself alot of the time and sometimes I let myself get let down cause of my high expectations..
So my goal is to not let this happen. HOW? swap brains with a male? become a robot?  well no, it's not that easy but maybe try to take things like a grain of salt.. This is quite the challenge for me. My personality has never been this way. The problem is I care sometimes too much, and yes I believe that. I stumbled across another blogger struggling with expectations of his own. Here it is if you want to read 
I felt better after reading it, as we all feel this way sometimes. What ever the issue, if it is high expectations of ourselves or others or things.. It is not necessary for us to feel this way. We can move forward and choose the high road!

 Kylee xxx

Monday, August 19, 2013

Friday was filled with a day of making cupcakes... I was asked to make 12 cupcakes for a friend to take to a 30Th birthday. It had been a long time since I had baked cupcakes from scratch so I was on the hunt for some good recipes and stumbled across some great blogs and websites. If you love new exciting recipes that tempt your taste buds check them out~

I wanted to make them a little special so I tried my skills to this recipe at Sprinkle bakes-

The only problem was I wasn't able to find the little bailey bottles any where. The only ones I could find were the bottle shop 30ml ones that are only singly sold. I then tried to find the bailey filled chocolates that are normally found in the box chocolate area of supermarkets, but they were no where to be found! So with not much luck there I decided to leave out the hot fudge part :(

Here's what the end products looked like ~

I made Vanilla and Peppermint so there was a mix... I ended up with 33! 
The peppermints had after dinner chocolate stuck in the milled of the frosting :)

Happy baking !

Kylee xxx

Monday, July 29, 2013

Pitt Trading Fabric Competition- inspired by the Great Gasby!

With little choose of fabrics and trims I had handy of Pitt Trading items but a beautiful model i was able to come up with something.. it wasn't what I expected to create! 
I think it came out alittle more 1930's than I hoped for. It still had sparkle and some bias cut in it.. here's what we came up with the little time put on it.

(Photography by me,  Photo editing by Kirstie lee's Professional Photography)

Kylee xxx